An Intro to NHS BT’s Custom Donor Journey Solution
In this video: NHS Blood and Transplant, Bluewave, and Salesforce give a very brief overview of our collaborative digital transformation, and explain how the implementation of intelligent communication through Marketing Cloud, will lead to more people donating blood and saving lives.
Watch VideoImplementing a Custom Donor Journey Solution for NHS BT
NHS BT engaged Bluewave to revolutionise the organisation’s complex communication system and drive intelligent engagement with their donor base. Our experts deployed a custom communication solution, built using Marketing Cloud, that would allow users to build and manage personalised customer journeys. Watch the full case study video here.
Watch VideoWebinar: Understanding Data Cloud
An educational webinar designed to help users get to grips with Salesforce Data Cloud. The session includes a solution overview and a detailed demo. This recording shows how Data Cloud can be used for data mapping, data unification, providing calculated insights, and developing flows in Salesforce.
Watch VideoNHS BT Testimonial
NHS Blood and Transplant is a special health authority that is responsible for the supply of blood to hospitals in England, as well as organs, tissues and stem cells for the whole UK. Watch Mark Croucher - Assistant Director of Donor Services at NHS BT, discuss his experiences with us.
Watch VideoScottish Public Sector Collaboration Day 2023
In May 2023, Bluewave hosted our second user group session for Scottish public sector leadership at the COSLA Conference Centre in Edinburgh, bringing together speakers from Marine Scotland, Education Scotland, Salesforce, and a number of public sector attendees.
Watch VideoAd Valorem Testimonial
Ad Valorem is one of Milton Keynes' leading chartered certified accountants. The award winning firm has a strong reputation for providing innovative solutions and financial advice. Watch Alex Combes - Head of Operations at Ad Valorem, discuss his experiences with us.
Watch VideoDigital Transformation Service Scotland Testimonial
The Digital Transformation Service is a vital part of the Scottish Public Sector that helps other organisations in Scotland deliver user-centred services. Watch Liz Craig - Service Owner at DTS, discuss her experiences working in partnership with Bluewave.
Watch VideoScottish National Investment Bank Testimonial
The Scottish National Investment Bank is Scotland’s first development investment bank, wholly owned by the Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland. Watch Stuart McLaughlin - Head of IT for the Bank, discuss his experiences with Bluewave.
Watch VideoScottish Public Sector Collaboration Day 2022
In November 2022, Bluewave hosted our first user group session for Scottish public sector leadership at the COSLA Conference Centre in Edinburgh, bringing together speakers from DTS Scotland, The Scottish National Investment Bank, Salesforce, and a number of public sector attendees.
Watch Video