Demo: Dublin Carbon Calculator

Watch the Demonstration

We recently took part in the Open Data Climate Action Challenge – a call out to businesses and innovators to use open data to drive and support climate action by creating groundbreaking applications. Bluewave’s team of experts joined forces with Salesforce to utilise the tools and skills available in our respective companies to meet the challenge. You can now watch a demonstration of The Dublin Carbon Calculator below:

Access the Dublin Carbon Calculator:

The Dublin Carbon Calculator is now freely accessible to all and has been published on Tableau’s public interface. Click the button below to access the calculator and see how your actions can directly help Dublin reach its 2030 carbon emissions target.

Demo Speakers:

  • Finian Quinn: Business Development Director & Net Zero Practice Lead – Bluewave
  • Ayush Shrivastava: Tableau Scientist and Salesforce Consultant – Bluewave
  • Diana Carter: Senior Solution Engineer – Salesforce

If you have any questions following the demo, please contact our Net Zero Practice Lead: Finian Quinn here:

Our Contributors:

Salesforce Powered Solutions

In order to bring this project to life, our team worked hand in hand with the experts at Salesforce. Together, we utilised Salesforce’s Tableau technology – a solution designed to help people see and understand data. As a Platinum Salesforce partner, we had full access to Tableau’s visual analytics platform, which we used to revolutionise the way citizens, businesses, and councils in Dublin could use climate-related data to decrease their emissions. This data-driven approach was supported by a visually appealing dashboards that made the data more accessible to the average user.

About the Dublin Carbon Calculator

This project addresses the energy, building and transport themes laid out in the Dublin Climate Change Action Plans, defined by the four local authorities in the Dublin region. Our goal is to use open data to increase engagement of citizens and businesses in climate action by encouraging them to reduce energy consumption, adopt active travel, and other climate-friendly activities. This work led to the development of an interactive energy use and carbon footprint calculator to be published on Tableau’s Public Interface.
This calculator integrates open data into a narrative infographic to help citizens make sense of what can often seem like a vast and intimidatingly complex topic. The calculator allows users to visualise a projected future Carbon Footprint for Dublin, view the carbon footprint for their particular area code, and see how changing their energy consumption can help Dublin reach its 2030 carbon emissions reduction target.

ODCAC Showcase

The Dublin Carbon Calculator project was one of 7 projects that were shortlisted for the Open Data Climate Action Challenge. Our team is proud to have reached this level in the challenge, as we were amongst some fantastic competition; with creative climate solutions that promoted everything from remote working, improved cycling infrastructure, and a climate adaption game. We’d like to thank Smart Dublin and our fellow competitors for their hard work and a successful showcase. You can now watch that showcase, and find out a little more about each of these projects, here.

About Bluewave

Innovation with experience.

Bluewave Technology is an independent, privately owned Platinum Salesforce Partner founded in Dublin, Ireland in September 2000. Over the past 20+ years, our experts have built a solid reputation for providing bespoke digital solutions and consultancy services. Our goal is to help organisations of all sizes, from the public sector to .com, take their internal and external processes to the next level.
Address: The Cubes, Suite 18 Block D, Beacon South Quarter, Dublin 18, Eircode: D18 R3P2

If you’d like to know more about how our Salesforce-powered solutions can help your organisation accelerate your path to Net Zero, contact a member of our dedicated team today.